Southwest Alaska
Southeast Alaska
British Columbia
Washington Coast
Puget Sound, Washington
Oregon Coast
Northern California
Central California
So many people love kelp! Select the regions on the map to learn more about the kelp-related research, restoration and other initiatives in each region.
Southwest Alaska
- Aluttiq Museum
- Douglas Rasher et al Science 2020, Keystone Predators Govern the Pathway and Pace of Climate Impacts in a Subarctic Marine Ecosystem
- Northern Sea Otter Counts: Marine Mammal Commission
- Alaska NewsSource Sept/ 25, 2020
- Alaska Kelp Farming
- Western Range Extension for Nereocystis luetkeana in the North Pacific Ocean KA Miller & J Estes, Botanica Marina, 1989
- Alutiiq Pride Marine Institute
- Brenda Konar, A Swath Across the Great Divide: Kelp Forests Across the Samalga Pass Biogeographic Break, 2017
Southeast Alaska
- Native Conservancy
- Barnacle Foods
- Sitka Tribal Council
- Alaska Department of Fish and Game
- Alaska Sea Grant
- Southeast Alaska Sea Otter Stock Assessments
- SeaGrove Kelp Company
- Noble Ocean Farms
- Sitka Sound Science Center
- Alaska Mariculture Research and Training Center
- SEATOR — Southeast Alaska Tribal Ocean Research
- Sea Quester Farms
British Columbia
- Haida Nation: X̱aayda Gwaay.yaay Ḵuugaay Gwii Sdiihltl’lx̱a – The Sea Otters Return to Haida Gwaii
- Gwaii Haanas: Chiixuu Tll iinasdll: Land-Sea-People Management Plan 2018
- Kelp Restoration Guidebook, UN Decade of Ocean Science, TNC, Kelp Forest Alliance, page 60 (project 3)
- Kelp Rescue
- Marine Plan Partnership (MaPP)
- MaPP Bull Kelp StoryMap
- B.C. Kelp Mapping Analytical Working Group
- Macycira Costa Lab at UVic Video
- Spectral Lab
- Louie Druehl, Canadian Kelp
- Ethno Botanical Uses of Bull Kelp
- Filipe Alberto Lab (genetics of bullkelp and bull kelp biobank)
- The Marine Detective, Jackie Hildering
- Sudden collapse of a mesopredator reveals its complementary role in mediating rocky reef regime shifts, Jenn Burt (2018)
- The Northeast Pacific Biodiversity Action Network (BioActNet)
- Pacific Science Enterprise Centre
Washington Coast
- Makah Cultural and Research Center
- Bull Kelp Microbiome video (Welch and Ramirez-Puebla)
- Olympic Coast: National Marine Sanctuary Kelp Forest Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS)
- Pfsiter Lab
- Sunflower Sea Star Roadmap to Recovery
- Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission
- NWIFC tribes map
- Ocean Acidification Sentinel Site
- WA Dept of Natural Resources Storymap
- Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary Kelp Forests
- SIMoN News Page
- Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary Dive Survey Data
- The dynamics of Kelp Forests in the Northeast Pacific Ocean and the relationship with environmental drivers, Cathy Pfister et al.
- A Floating Kelp Indicator
- Washington Sea Grant
Puget Sound, Washington
- A Decade of Disappearance: Bull Kelp in the San Juan Islands. Story map by Samish Indian Nation, Casey Palmer-McGee
- Exploring Puget Sound’s Kelp Forests storymap
- Puget Sound Restoration Fund Bull Kelp Program
- Eyes on Kelp
- Northwest Straits Commission : Appendix B–The Cultural Importance of Kelp for Pacific Northwest Tribes
- Northwest Straits Commission Kelp Plan, 2023
- Long-term Changes in Kelp Forests in an Inner Basin of the Salish Sea Helen Berry, Tom Mumford et al, PLoS One. 2021
- WA Floating Kelp Indicator
- Marine Vegetation Atlas
- Harbor WildWatch
- Squaxin Island Tribe partners look to revitalize kelp
- Northwest Straits Initiative Floating Kelp Monitoring
- Friends of the San Juans Mapping Site
Oregon Coast
- Abundance: Storymap by the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians
- Oregon Kelp Alliance (ORKA)
- Elakha Alliance
- Oregon MPAs
- Cascade Head Biosphere Reserve
- Oregon Kelp Forest Survey
- Alanna Keiffer & Shifting Tides
- OSU Port Orford Field Station
- The Kelp Keepers
- 2024 Oregon Kelp Forest Status Report
- Oregon Sea Grant
Northern California
- CA Fish & Wildlife Kelp Restoration and Management Plan
- Giant Kelp and Bull Kelp Enhanced Status Report
- Tribal Marine Stewards Network
- Pomo Tribe & Kelp
- Greater Farallones Association Kelp Restoration Program
- Kashia Band of the Pomo Coastal Reserve
- The Nature Conservancy Kelp Restoration Guidebook
- Tolowa Dee-Ni’ Nation Marine Monitoring
- Noyo Center for Marine Science
- MPA Collaborative Network
- North Coast KelpFest!
- California Sea Grant
- Sunken Seaweed
Central California
- Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary
- Tribal Marine Stewards Network
- Monterey National Marine Sanctuary
- Monterey National Marine Sanctuary Foundation
- Monterey Bay Aquarium
- Josh Smith, Kelp Research
- Giant Giant Kelp Restoration Project
- Western Flyer Foundation
- MPA Collaborative Network
- Channel Islands Kelp Forests
- CA Fish & Wildlife Kelp Restoration and Management Plan
- Giant Kelp and Bull Kelp Enhanced Status Report
- Sea Trees
- Hopkins Marine Station
- Sunflower Star Lab